
Dublin coach is Ireland’s premium supplier of luxury coach transport. Established in 2005, they provided public and private services around a number of counties across Ireland.

Currently employing between 200- 500 staff members they are a company that is continuously growing and identifying new opportunities in the industry.


Dublin coaches recruitment process was outdated. They were manually tracking all applications on spreadsheets whilst spending time posting to multiple job sites. Their adverts were dropping to the bottom of traditional job boards quickly resulting in a limited amount of views and clicks.

Due to their recruitment process not being automated they also struggled with their candidate experience as they found it difficult to find the time to reply to every candidate.

“I Used Rezoomo with a previous company and it was the first new system I wanted to be brought in when I moved. I found it to be a huge time saver. I would not hesitate to recommend it to other HR Professionals, as it has allowed me to give potential candidates a much better first experience of our company.”

– Cait Lynch HR officer, Dublin Coach

The Solution

Rezoomo was able to provide Dublin coach with a platform that automated their whole hiring process, whilst promoting their vacancies on various platforms, and the ability to build an employer brand to help attract top talent. Dublin Coach can now automatically track their applications and with the one-click regretting. It has significantly increased the candidate experience in a positive way. They can now provide the candidate with an exceptional experience and save their staff time to focus on other daily tasks.


What recruitment challenges were you facing before using Rezoomo?

Before Rezoomo we were manually tracking all applications on spreadsheets, and spending time posting to multiple job sites. We also struggled to get views and clicks on our adverts as they were dropping to the bottom of the traditional jobs boards quite quickly. Candidate experience was also a problem, as we struggled to find the time to reply to every applicant.

 How has Rezoomo helped your company with recruitment?

The employer branding has been fantastic, allowing us to give potential candidates a view of our company and the roles available. the link to our Facebook feed really gives candidates a good picture of what Dublin Coach is about. Posting to multiple sites also means our job views have significantly increased. Rezoomo’s own social media usage has also helped us to gain more visibility for our roles.

 Does Rezoomo help you attract quality candidates?

Rezoomo has helped us attract a number of quality candidates across a number of different roles. We have already made successful hires using the platform. It gets us more exposure on our job applications. It allows us to give potential applicants a view of what our company is about when they are applying for roles.

How has Rezoomo reduced your recruitment costs?

Using Rezoomo means we no longer have to think about sponsoring campaigns on jobs boards. It has allowed us to post jobs across a variety of job sites for one fee.

How has Rezoomo saved you and your team time?

We no longer have to manually track applications, and the automated responses save us a lot of time. This allows us to give potential candidates a much better candidate experience. One click regretting has also been a huge timesaver for us. It makes it very easy for us to get back to every candidate that applies for any role.

Would you recommend Rezoomo to other HR professionals & why?  

I Used Rezoomo with a previous company and it was the first new system I wanted to be brought in when I moved. I found it to be a huge time saver. I would not hesitate to recommend it to other HR Professionals. It has allowed me to give potential candidates a much better first experience of our company.


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