We recently conducted an interview with 100 participants across Ireland and the UK about their thoughts on the use of buzzwords in job titles. You can see the breakdown of these results here or view the full results below (click on each image to enlarge)









Q3. If yes / maybe why would it stop you applying for the role ?

“I chose jobs on how they’re going to look on my CV when I apply for the next role. I also want to be taken seriously.”

“People would think less of me and the job. It would have less status.”

“It would feel like the position wouldn’t be taken seriously.”

“Doesn’t sound professional.”

“Very informal.”

“Sounds like the company don’t take their business seriously.”

“It sounds like the company doesn’t take the role or careers very seriously. Also gives me the impression that management are immature.”

“Damaging to long-term career opportunities.”

“Expect that the culture of the company doesn’t fit with my ideal.”

“Professionalism is important these titles are from films/cartoons and stories. They diminish the hard work it takes to move up the ladder, and receive the recognition and respect.”

“Guru is a quasi-religious term – I wouldn’t think it’s appropriate. It also seems a little “try hard” and needlessly frivolous – I work in a culture-based office, very fun, but we all have real, proper jobs to do. I’m not a ninja of anything.”

“I don’t think it would be a job that is taken seriously.”

“Sounds like they’re trying to be hip and don’t particularly know what the role involves.”

“I would perceive the job to be suitable for a younger person and the workplace to be focused on employees who want work drinks and social events to be a regular occurrence. I do not need to work in a place with this expectation as I have a young family and life outside work.”

“The company clearly does not have a clear view of what the job is and does not take the role seriously. This tells me they are a bad company to work for.”

“For a higher position, this degrades the professionalism.”

“Master of Fun is still okay but Guru and Ninja do not sound professional for me.”

“It would make me think that the role wasn’t structured or well thought out.”

“I’d be embarrassed to have it on my CV for future employers, I’d feel people would see me as less serious about my job and I would feel inferior to someone with the ‘normal’ title. I’d think much less of a company that uses such job titles as well.”

“Sounds unprofessional and juvenile. Makes the recruiter look like an idiot that isn’t serious about their job.”

“Not professional enough.”

“It makes it sound like a gimmick, and I would be afraid that it wouldn’t be taken as seriously by peers in other companies.”

“For my type of role, would be just too ‘zany’.”

“It doesn’t look professional and may look bad on my CV down the road.”

“It depends on what I’m looking for in a job. If I was looking for start-up culture, desk beers and ping pong tables, then I may be more open to jobs with titles like this. I find it happens a lot with jobs aimed at young people/millennials but I think it presents a misunderstanding of what younger generations want out of jobs – like job security, ability to climb the career ladder, career flexibility within the sector, etc. If I’m looking to build my career and learn skills, job titles like this hint that an organisation that might not have a solid idea of what the role of the job is, might not dedicate time and energy to up skilling staff in appropriate career fields, and might have issues with efficiency and identity. Plus it’ll be harder to find a job afterwards because other organisations may not take you seriously. An organisation can probably negate this by having a fun job title followed by a more serious breakdown of what it involves – ie. a ‘master of fun’ could be someone who’s in charge of upholding work culture, directing internal communications. I don’t think it would stop me but I think it would give me more negative opinions of the job than positive ones, and I would worry about what impact it would have on career progression.”

“Because it makes the role seem like a joke. Also, I don’t really have an issue with current job titles, so I would only think it’s necessary to change or revise them if they’re being improved – not worsened. Even just looking at those titles make me sick – like why? They are so stupid and reek of trying too hard.”

“It would sound like they weren’t serious about the position.”

“It would make me think the job is not serious and therefore not suit my personality. I’m not their target audience.”

“Seem not professional.”

“I would be concerned about having such a title on my cv if I was successful.”

“I would question the seriousness of the role.”

“Seems belittling esp if I have worked hard to get a relevant qualification- like my title is that of a veterinary surgeon.”

“It wouldn’t put me off but the title sets the tone of the company and role. Your title of a role is also what goes on your resume in future.”

“Seems like the organisation isn’t serious or is trying a bit too hard to be cool. The culture is likely to be the same and that’s not for me.”

“It sounds like the company is more focused on being trendy than getting work done or making money. In my experience, this kind of title is startup based and they do it to be cool and hip on the outside when really internally the management of the company is chaotic.”

“It’s trying way too hard and feels in-genuine. I personally prefer a job where things are taken seriously, I am an accountant, not an accounting ninja. I think it’s so cringe and embarrassing.”


